I enjoy speaking to organizations and leading workshops on a variety of anti-oppression and emotional health topics.
Below are some examples of prior topics.
Acceptable vs. Intolerable Difficulty, Resilience and Trauma
Creating and Maintaining Accessibility in Higher Education for Students and Colleagues
Disability Justice, Ableism and Ableist Language
Embedding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Tech Professions
EmBODYed Community: Fat, Disabled Liberation
Ensuring Respect, Equity and Inclusion for Fat People
Examining Anti-Fatness for Higher Education Leaders
Exploring Our Stories for Healing and Empowerment
Integrating LGBTQIA+ in DEI for Higher Education Colleagues
News Media, Power and Language
Rage and Radical Love
Representing Race in Media: The Harm of Colonial and Neocolonial Narratives
Supporting LGBTQIA+ Kids, Parents and Families
I am also happy to create guided meditations for events. Prior meditations have focused on women's leadership, trauma healing, and life transitions. Meditations are crafted with special attention to accessibility.
Please contact me for more information about speaking fees.